Our voicemail system is temporarily down. It will be up again soon, but in the meantime please contact us in the following ways:
- Zinema/Teatro: boxoffice@zeitgeistarts.com or call 218-336-1415
- Restaurant & Bar: layla@zeitgeistarts.com or call 218-722-9100
(You can’t leave a voice message, but you can try us directly, and we’ll get back to your email asap)
The Zeitgeist Arts building is a hub for film, food, art, and community in downtown Duluth. We are your home movie theater, performance theater, art gallery and restaurant & bar. We thrive on connecting creatives and community members.
We are a nonprofit arts and community development organization committed to growing and sustaining a community that is inclusive, diverse, and equitable; artistic and vibrant; environmentally conscious; and a place where every individual can thrive. Working in partnership across our region, Zeitgeist connects like-minded organizations and people to collaboratively create programs that make lasting change.
Zeitgeist is made possible with your help.
Support us today by becoming a sustaining member or making a one-time donation.
W E ‘ R E H I R I N G !