Residents have spoken. 6th Avenue East divides the Hillside neighborhood and negatively impacts people’s health. This community input has directly led to the City of Duluth prioritizing this street and beginning a planning process for a full reconstruction in the next 7-10 years which is critical to turning this devastating outdated highway into a great place for people. The City will begin Phase 1 of this project in 2024 by resurfacing the street. The City is collecting public input on Phase 1 during the summer and fall of 2023 and 2024. Be sure to share what changes you want to see!



Collect Public Input on Resurfacing


Phase 1: Resurface 6th Ave E

4-to-3 Lane Conversion

Adding ADA Ramps to All Curbs


Collect Public Input on Phase 2 Corridor Development, Test Designs, Acquire Funds, Develop Reconstruction Plans


Earliest Possible Phase 2 Reconstruction


Latest Possible Phase 2 Reconstruction


Learn about the changes that are known and possible for 2025 resurfacing. Together we can advocate for the best possible outcomes. Your voice matters in the Hillside! Click the images to learn more about each change.



4-to-3 Lane Conversion

Traffic crashes are a primary issue on 6th Avenue East. The U.S. Department of Transportation is recommending a 4-to-3 lane conversion for any street that handles under 25,000 cars per day. Traffic studies from 2014-2023 show that 6th Avenue East handles <12,000 cars per day (equivalent to 4th Street which has 2 lanes)—and those numbers are decreasing each year. Converting the street from 4-to-3 lanes won’t drastically impact commute times but will calm traffic and reduce crashes by 19-47%.* Learn more about 4-to-3 lane conversion.

*Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration


ADA Ramps

The Hillside has 25% of people living with disabilities compared to Duluth’s 13%, and 22% of people who are 65+ compared to Duluth’s 15%. Additionally, 1 in 3 households in the Hillside don’t have a car which means that having accessible sidewalks and crossings along 6th Avenue East is a major priority for the community. In 2024, along with restriping, the City will make all curbs ADA compliant. The design of these curb ramps is dependent, in part, on public input with regards to:


  • Ramp Angle—diagonal (pointing into the middle of the intersection) or perpendicular (pointing into the crosswalk)
  • Ramp Width
  • Ramp Color
  • Ramp Texture


With enough community support, these additional safety measures can be added in 2025!


Curb Bumpouts

Curb bumpouts (also called bulb-outs or extensions) extend the sidewalk into the parking lane to narrow the roadway and provide additional pedestrian space at key locations. Curb extensions enhance pedestrian safety by increasing pedestrian visibility, shortening crossing distances, slowing turning vehicles, and visually narrowing the roadway. Curb bumpouts can be employed as traffic calming techniques that reduce vehicle travel lanes, and can also serve as a visual cue to drivers that they are entering a neighborhood. Additionally, they can be lengthened to create public spaces, landscaped areas, or transit waiting areas.*

*Source: National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) and SF Better Streets


Pedestrian Refuges

Pedestrian crashes account for approximately 17 percent of all traffic fatalities annually and 74 percent of these occur at non-intersection locations. A pedestrian refuge island (or crossing area) is a median with a refuge area that is intended to help protect pedestrians who are crossing a road. A pedestrian safety island reduces the exposure time experienced by a pedestrian in the intersection by allowing pedestrians to cross one direction of traffic at a time.*

*Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration


Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons

A marked crosswalk or pedestrian warning sign at times may not be sufficient for drivers to yield to pedestrians. To enhance pedestrian conspicuity and increase driver awareness at uncontrolled crosswalks, transportation agencies can install a pedestrian-activated Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) to accompany a pedestrian warning sign. RRFBs consist of two, rectangular yellow indications that flash when activated to enhance the conspicuity of pedestrians at the crossing.*

*Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration


High Visibility Crosswalks

Poor lighting conditions, obstructions such as parked cars, and horizontal or vertical roadway curvature can reduce visibility at crosswalks, contributing to safety issues. For multilane roadway crossings where vehicle volumes are >10,000 per day, a marked crosswalk alone is typically not sufficient. Under such conditions, more substantial crossing improvements could help prevent pedestrian crashes, including: high-visibility crosswalks, lighting, and signing & pavement markings. Agencies can implement these features as standalone or combination enhancements to indicate the preferred location for users to cross.*

*Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration


Leading Pedestrian Intervals

A leading pedestrian interval (LPI) gives pedestrians the opportunity to enter the crosswalk at an intersection 3-7 seconds before vehicles are given a green indication. Pedestrians can better establish their presence in the crosswalk before vehicles have priority to turn right or left.

LPIs provide the following benefits:

  • Increase visibility of crossing pedestrians
  • Reduce conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles
  • Increase likelihood of motorists yielding to pedestrians
  • Enhance safety for pedestrians who who may be slower to start into the intersection*

*Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration




Become a 6th Avenue East volunteer! We’re frequently looking for help with door-to-door canvassing, bike + ped counts, activation events, demonstrations projects, and more. Email andrea@zeitgeistarts.com to learn more.

Zeitgeist is made possible with your help