Halloween Film Series
The Halloween Film Series returns to the Zinema with its grandest, and most ghoulish, lineup yet! Throughout the month of October the Zinema will be featuring 16 spooky films, hand-picked […]
The Halloween Film Series returns to the Zinema with its grandest, and most ghoulish, lineup yet! Throughout the month of October the Zinema will be featuring 16 spooky films, hand-picked […]
A new take on dinner and a show. The classic tragedy of Macbeth told in the way the playwright intended, directly to the audience. This production will be an immersive […]
A new take on dinner and a show. The classic tragedy of Macbeth told in the way the playwright intended, directly to the audience. This production will be an immersive […]
Please join us for a closing reception and conversation with artist, Charvis Harrell, on Wednesday, October 30th. Harrell has 4 large-scale pieces currently on display in the Zeitgeist atrium gallery. […]
A new take on dinner and a show. The classic tragedy of Macbeth told in the way the playwright intended, directly to the audience. This production will be an immersive […]
A new take on dinner and a show. The classic tragedy of Macbeth told in the way the playwright intended, directly to the audience. This production will be an immersive […]
By Kevin Kling and Gaelynn Lea Directed by Timothy White Singer-songwriter Gaelynn Lea and storyteller-playwright Kevin Kling combine their talents in an original musical fable, which weaves together storytelling and […]
By Kevin Kling and Gaelynn Lea Directed by Timothy White Singer-songwriter Gaelynn Lea and storyteller-playwright Kevin Kling combine their talents in an original musical fable, which weaves together storytelling and […]
By Kevin Kling and Gaelynn Lea Directed by Timothy White Singer-songwriter Gaelynn Lea and storyteller-playwright Kevin Kling combine their talents in an original musical fable, which weaves together storytelling and […]
By Kevin Kling and Gaelynn Lea Directed by Timothy White Singer-songwriter Gaelynn Lea and storyteller-playwright Kevin Kling combine their talents in an original musical fable, which weaves together storytelling and […]
A new take on dinner and a show. The classic tragedy of Macbeth told in the way the playwright intended, directly to the audience. This production will be an immersive […]
A new take on dinner and a show. The classic tragedy of Macbeth told in the way the playwright intended, directly to the audience. This production will be an immersive […]