Duluth Story Project presents a new series of community conversations with local leaders and advocates exploring four themes that are central to Hillsiders imagining a more liveable neighborhood: Safe & Accessible Housing; Support Systems & Resources; Natural & Built Environments; and Social Connection; as well as a whole lot in between.


Episodes coming soon!


Episode 1: Elijah & Addie

Elijah finds himself in St. Cloud Prison during the beginning of the pandemic. Addie struggles with how COVID was handled on campus, plus a move to a whole new city. Bob the raccoon begins his journey to get to the bottom of why the people have been acting so strange as of late.

Episode 2: Adam & Pam

Adam goes through treatment during the pandemic. Pam and her husband move across the country to reset their lives. Bob the raccoon is reminded of his brother when he stumbles upon a strange looking stick.

Episode 3: Maurice

“To be honest, this morning didn’t start off good at all…” Maurice talks race, COVID, politics, cops, and conspiracy theories. Bob the raccoon finds the trash he’d been searching for, but it’s complicated by a rat who had found it first.

Episode 4: David & Diane

David & Diane talk George Floyd, vaccines, political divisions, and share their experiences during quarantine; the trials, triumphs and a whole lot of walking. Bob the raccoon finds himself in an alley full of delicious garbage and recalls a bread-loving acquaintance.

The Vax Episodes: Part 1

“What’s the deal with the COVID vaccine?” For some it’s an easy answer: “It’s science! Peer-reviewed science!!” For others it’s not quite that simple… In this mini-series we speak with real-life members of our community as we explore what the vaccine actually is, why it’s created such a divide, and how we can come together. Spoiler alert: It’s not impossible.

The Vax Episodes: Part 2

“Us v. Them?” In the second episode of this mini-series we ask the question: Why is there such a divide on THIS issue? And the answer is… well, it’s complicated. Really complicated.

The Vax Episodes: Part 3

“What now?” In the third, and final, episode of this mini-series we continue to listen, and to explore what has made this such a complex issue for our community.